Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Story of Lu Trong Truong, 52 years old

Lu Trong Truong is a middle-aged man; he is 52 years old. When I came and asked him for an interview, he welcomed me with a radiant smile: “I haven’t gone out in public for ages!” he replied.
He shared that he had lost the use of his legs 15 years ago following a serious stroke.
Mr Truong was on the verge of tears as he revised his sad story. It is hard to imagine how a person would feel in such a situation: one day you are healthy and the next you wake up paralyzed. More tragically, he was no longer able to work. This seems brutally unfair at the age of 38; a time when an adult is reaching the peak of his capacity and experience. He used to be the breadwinner of his family but after the accident, he became a burden for his loving wife and children. They have been trying harder and harder, not only to earn their own livings but also to take care of him. His wife shoulders a heavy load on the family’s farm, while also carefully assisting Mr Truong with his basic daily needs.
Mr Truong’s story is tragic, yet after a moment, a smile flowered again on his face. He was overcome with emotion as he expressed his gratitude towards the local authorities for having cared for his specific case, and the charity organization for giving him the chance to possess a brand-new wheelchair. He has wished to buy one for so long; unfortunately, the poor financial position of his family prevented it. As we parted company, he exclaimed blissfully; “Now I have new legs! Now, finally, I can go outside the limits of my own home and live a life of freedom”.

Written by Hanh, Edited by Jodie-Lee Trembath

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