Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Story of Nguyen Van Phuong, 20 years old

When I entered the hall, I noticed a woman looking at her son with tears in her eyes.
Her son’s name is Nguyen Van Phuong. He is 20 years old, but the woman shared with me that she knew as soon as he was born that something was not right with him. . He couldn’t focus on anything, and one day, he suddenly got a high temperature and was confined to hospital for 6 months. The doctors concluded that Phuong suffers the effects of Agent Orange, which is the most toxic man-made organic chemical ever created. Thanks to this debilitating disease, Phuong cannot talk, think or move on his own.

Phuong’s father, Nguyen Van Thu, was a solider in the war in Cambodia and Laos, where many toxic chemicals were used as defoliants. His health, too, is deteriorating and he is often unable to care for his wife and 3 children. Phuong is the youngest, and while the older children do not suffer from the same disease, they have always been weak and sickly. Consequently the majority of daily burdens rest with Phuong’s mother.

The family is very poor. They could never have afforded a wheel chair on their own. But with the wheel chair they are receiving today, they reduce the difficulties inherent in Phuong’s daily care.

Phuong’s mother was extremely grateful for this life-changing gift. She wished to extend her sincere thanks to the donors who provided her family with such a meaningful donation.

Written by Phuong Thuy, Edited by Jodie-Lee Trembath

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