Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Story of Nguyen Thi Nhu, 46 years old

Ms Nguyen Thi Nhu is 46 years old, and has been unable to move her legs or neck since she suffered a debilitating illness at the age of 5. Her life is very difficult – she is unable to help herself with most basic daily routines, and is incapable of maintaining employment in order to sustain her own economic status.

Nhu’s parents are in their seventies, and are supporting both Nhu and her two younger sisters. Her greatest fear is that something will happen to her parents, leaving her with no way to support herself or her siblings.

Her new wheelchair will make all the difference. As soon as she was presented with it, Nhu vowed that she would begin searching for part time work to improve her current economic status, and create a more secure future for herself and her family.

She wished to thank the donors for their generous gift.

Written by Phuong Thuy, Edited by Jodie-Lee Trembath

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