Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Pham Cong Chung Story of Quang Duc, Thanh Hoa; 26 years old

Amongst the sea of distressingly young faces at the Wheelchair Ceremony in Quang Duc, Pham Cong Chung’s stood out to me. Chung is 26 years old, an age where people usually have a lot of dreams for a bright future, and the energy and commitment to bring those dreams to fruition. But Chung has not been afforded that luxury. Following a tragic traffic accident six years ago, he has lost all power in his lower body. He can not work, can not walk, and is confined to the 4 walls of his small residence. In spite of his difficulties, Chung feels a pressing guilt that he cannot do anything to help his parents; in fact the opposite is the case, as they are now required to care for him. He wants to help his family and has often dreamed of having a wheelchair to develop some level of independence, but his family is very poor. They do not have enough to guarantee the whole family a daily meal, so they certainly could never afford a wheelchair.

As was the case for so many people there, it was the first time Chung had ever tried a wheelchair. The excitement in his eyes was uplifting. This wheelchair will be the bridge that connects him with the life outside of his home. It is like being granted a second pair of legs – a second chance at life. With this wheelchair, he will try to find a job and work so his young life is not wasted. He looks forward to developing an active and productive social circle.

The simple happiness of the wheelchair recipients is reflected in our own faces – we are all privileged to be here this day.

Written by Quynh Nhu, Edited by Jodie-Lee Trembath

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