Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Story of Nguyen Dinh Long of Thieu Hoa, Thanh Hoa; 7 Years Old

The 7 year-old-boy is very thin, small and is sitting in front of me with melancholy eyes.

Coming from a poor family in Thieu Minh commune, in Thanh Hoa province, Nguyen Dinh Long is not a lucky boy and doesn’t have the chance to enjoy the “normal”, carefree and joyous childhood of his peers. His legs were paralysed at birth and as such, he often cannot venture into the world and is spends his time confined to his home for one long day after the other.

Long loves to go to school and implores his parents everyday to carry him there on their backs. Even on rainy days, he still asks his parents to let him to go school. Long told me eagerly “I have Trung Kien – my dearest friend at school who always plays with me and also my teacher Ms. Ha who loves me a lot".

Although going to school has lifted Long’s spirits, he is timid; he does not dare to go out but sits in the classroom to look at his friends playing in the school- yard. However this sad and needless situation is soon to be replaced with the activity and mischievous energy enjoyed by most 7 years old boys, thanks to the generous donation of a wheelchair to the family.

Long's mother said: "I was miserable for him and my family also but from now on, with this wheelchair, it will be much easier to care for and nurture Long and he can have the experiences that were once only a dream.”

Long looked at me and smiled slightly “You know, tomorrow, I will go to the school yard, by myself, on this wheelchair and play with all my dear friends”

Looking into his eyes, I understand that this wheelchair will improve his prospects immeasurably. Before saying goodbye to him and his mum, I heard the whisper from Long: "I promise to study well…" The promise of a child seems even more meaningful than the many thanks that made him unforgettable.

Written by Thuy Hong, Edited by Jodie-Lee Trembath

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