Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Story of Hoang Kim Manh of Quang Long, Thanh Hoa; 19 Years Old

Looking around me, I was stunned by the sheer numbers of people in need of wheelchairs. How does this happen in a country, in a society? I had a chance to talk with Hoang Kim Manh. He is 19 years old, and came from Long Dai, Quang Long, Thanh Hoa.

Manh also had his body paralysed at birth. Every day, his parents go to work, his younger brothers and sisters go to school, but Manh stays at home with his grandfather. The Grandfather is very old and blind. The two of them just sit next to each other all day, his grandfather holding Manh's hand very tightly and some times, they share with each other their feelings.

Manh had not sat down on the new Wheelchair yet when I was talking with him. He sat on the earth in front of us, looking from the wheelchair to his mother and back again, until finally his mum said “This is your wheelchair Manh. You sit on it, ok?” Manh looked nervous. He stammered an uncomfortable reply – but before long, the wheelchair was his new domain, and he was undoubtedly king.

Now he has a wheelchair, he will not have to crawl around his house any more, his younger siblings can take him out, he will be able to help out around the house with daily activities.

Manh's mother said to me quietly, "He looks like he likes that wheelchair very much. We have a lot to be grateful for."

Saying goodbye to Manh and his mother, a thought occurred to me – Manh is 19 – the same age as me. Yes, we all have a lot to be grateful for.

Written by Thuy Linh, Edited by Jodie-Lee Trembath

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