Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Story of Nguyen Thi Trang of Quang Ngat, Thanh Hoa; 11 years old

Thanh Hoa is a poor rural area. I had heard about this quite a lot before I arrived as a volunteer for the wheelchair distribution there. I often wonder if the difficulty of their situations gives these disadvantaged peoples more energy and willingness to make their dreams true. Trang and her dreams compile one story I wish to share with you.

A small, dark skinned girl was sitting, seemingly engulfed by the wheelchair she inhabited. I sat next to her and said, ‘Could I talk with you?’ She smiled innocently and agreed without hesitation. Her words were moving:

“I am Nguyen Thi Trang, and I am eleven years old. My family has 4 people, my mother, my father, my younger- brother who is 9 years old – and myself.

‘I do not know what disease I have but since I am aware of everything, I see the very big difference between me and my friends. They are walking around happily, going to school on their own, playing, while I just stay at home. I have asked my mum about my condition, but she was too sad to talk about it. People have told me that I have had this problem since birth.’

Trang loves school; the day of the ceremony was Saturday so she had a day off. The wheelchair had been kept as a surprise by her family – when her father told her they were coming to get the wheelchair that morning, she was overcome with joy.

Trang has been an excellent students for 4 years, her teacher and friends love her very much and help her as much as they can. Her eyes looked bright when she talked about her teacher, her friends and her school.

Everyday, her parents or her friends take her to school on their backs. Now she is so happy that she can go by herself:
‘Now I have my wheelchair, I will go to school by my self and go out with my friends, and I will be able to clean the house for my parents!’

Looking at Trang with her innocent smile, I felt happy for her. I leant over to her and asked, “What is your dream?”

Trang smiled and whispered in my ear: " I would like to become a teacher."

A teacher - it is a dream of many children and now a dream that Trang can make come true- a little girl who was born and raised with paralysed legs in a small and poor village has the chance to reach for her stars. I will always remember her and her dream as well.

I stood up and said goodbye to her, adding my wish that she would study well and always try her best!

She held my hand and once more whispered to me: “Today, I am very happy, you know?”

Written by Thuy Linh, Edited by Jodie-Lee Trembath

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