Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Tran Van Te Story of Hop Phuong, Quang Hop, Thanh Hoa; 68 years old

Tran van Te is 68 years old. A brain malfunction caused him to suffer complete paralysis at the tender age of thirteen. I saw him with his wife and son from across the room, and was moved to speak with them. Mr. Te has been immobile for many years and can no longer talk, but his wife could help. They are getting old, they have a difficult life. They have 4 children, 2 of them who work far from home and 2 others who were paralysed from birth. His wife cried while she spoke with me. I could feel how hard she it was for her to have 3 people paralysed in one family. Mr Te’s wife not only takes care of him but 2 more children, and the entire burden rests solely on her shoulders.

She said that receiving this wheelchair will reduce the difficulties for all three of her crippled family members. The happiness was apparent on Mr. Te's face. I was really moved by their situation.

Actually there are many families like Te's family in need of the kind hearted assistance provided this day. Thank you very much to the sponsors who make these miracles happen. It is really a big gift for these disadvantaged people and helps them to overcome the difficulties of their lives.

Written by Quynh Nhu, Edited by Jodie-Lee Trembath

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