Thursday, March 13, 2008

Day 4: Angkor Wat Temple

Day 4...yes we will distribute wheel chairs but not today.the General and his staff met us at the hotel and took us to the surrounding temples. The temple of Angkor Wat and the surrounding area is one of the seven wonders of the world. I now understand why...they are immense. At one time Cambodia was comprised of basically all of southeast Asia..Thailand,Cambodia,Laos and Vietnam. The center for ruling this vast territory was Angkor Wat. Like the Great Wall of China it is immense in scope but much more intricate in terms of design.
We started off by riding elephants around Angkor Thom. It's *pretty smooth ride. We bought bunches of bananas and fed the elephants after the ride. They could suck them out of your hand in on on nano second.
It was pretty hot and dusty walking thru the temples but they are impressive. We've attached a couple of pictures to give you some idea of the scale. We were also amazed at the number of tourists. There were very few Americans but lots of Koreans, chinese and other Asian nationalities. We were pretty well spent after the day of temple touring but we did rally to go into Siem Reap and visit Pub Street. The name descibes the main form of business. The place was teeming with activity. We ended up at the Red Piano.. The favorite haunt of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt. We sat out on the upper balcony and watched the street scene below while sucking down Tiger beer. We could have stayed longer but we were scheduled to leave the next morning at 5:30 AM to distribute wheelchairs in the town of Sisiphon..105 kilometers north of Siem Reap on less than improved roads. So it was back to the Hotel and into bed at on on proper hour for all of us.

1 comment:

Doug & Maile said...

Hi all.......

Sounds like you are having a wonderful time!!! What a rare opportunity you are getting to experience!!! We are really enjoying the pictures, and the commentary. Someone should be a writer!! Can't wait to see day 5. Miss you guys!!! We will see you soon......Maile and Doug