Sunday, March 16, 2008

Dining Out Experiences

Are we suffering from starvation and under nourishnent.....NOT!!!!!!


Robert K said...

I can't help wondering if the cameras getting ready and the look on the ladies faces don't tell the real story of whats on those plates :-)

Doug & Maile said...

Dear all,
Maile and I can't wait for morning to come, as we can get up and run to the computer to read about the fantastic, unbelievable journey that you are on.
We look at the pictures and read Tom's colorful discriptions and try to imagine what it must be like. It must be truly rewarding and yet very heart wrenching at the same time. Fantastic !!
The market places look exciting and the food...looks really enviting ?? Also sounds like you've been on more than a few "Mr. Toads" wild rides !!! A whole different way of defensive driving. Can't wait to hear more and to see the pictures and video upon you're return.
Not missing anything back here.....that's for sure !!

Much love to all.
Doug & Maile

Brad said...

I can't help but to be awe inspired every time I read a new posting. You guys are all very brave and courageous to be traveling such a distance under grueling circumstances. The good work you are doing makes me very proud to know such a family but also very humbled and even ashamed that I have not done more for my fellow man. Please keep sending your photos and experiences. What you are doing is truly amazing.

Erin Williamson said...


I'm so super proud of you guys and am so excited that I can actually visualize what you are doing

Makes me want to be there with you guys

Erin and Laura...I might need one of those hats back home :)