Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Day 9..A Six Pound Lobster and a bottle of scotch

Day 9..A six pound lobster and a bottle of scotch
The flight from Hanoi to Da Nang was navigated without a hitch. Prior to departure. Pat and I had two large loads of wash done by the hotel. When I told them we wanted the clothes back by the end of the day they said " not possible...raining". At this point I understood that they were going to dry our clothes the good old fashioned way...via clothes line. I told them we couldn't wait so they washed them up and, yes indeed, they came back washed and problem for the hearty adventurer. We laid them out to dry when we got to Da Nang and they are just fine. The tab for each of our large laundry loads was a whopping $2 each.
Tam from Giving It Back To Kids was waiting for us at the DaNang airport with flowers for each of the girls. A very nice gesture. We arranged to meet at 7 AM the next day to drive to Quy Nhon for the next wheel chair distribution.
We are staying at the Sandy Beach Resort in Da Nang. It is located right on the famous China Beach. The sand is white and clean and the ocean waters are clear. We each got bungalows that are right on the sand....Excellent!!!!
It took the kids less than a minute to get into their suits and into the water. Danny found a surf board to rent and there was a nice little break coming in. The boys were able to get some pretty good rides and also burn off some energy since we have done a fair amount of sitting.
Around dusk the fishing fleet motored by on their way to their favorite spot. Given this subliminal message we struck off to find the best seafood restaurant in town....FOUND IT.
Zhinh Hua.. Located right on the beach and filled with locals. We sat at a long table and as we sat down they brought to large buckets filled with beer and kind of place. Sitting at the tables all around us were business men having a bang up time. Each table had a full bottle of Johnny Walker scotch which didn't stay full very long. We had to follow suit so a bottle soon showed up at our table.....and away we gooooo !!!!
Erin did the ordering and before long they brought two lobsters that were absolutely huge. We said one would do. Then they brought two huge and very much alive fish for us to examine. We picked a lunker. Platters of squid and shrimp were brought out with all sorts of condiments and leafy stuff to wrap them in. The the fish came out cooked whole and the waiters made us little mini burritos for us. The lobster was outstanding...sweet and succulent. The guys at the table next to us came over and we all downed several shooters of scotch to help them celebrate what ever it was that they were celebrating. One of them brought out a guitar and we were serenaded to a very drunken version of "Hello".
The singer would grab Tommy or me after each rendition of the same song and give us on on big kiss on the cheek. We were fast becoming an accepted part of the country.
Another great experience in a very beautiful country.
Back we went to the hotel and prepared for on on long day on Tuesday. It is 300 KM's to Quy Nhon and the road will be a challenge.

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