Friday, March 28, 2008


Her name is NGUYEN THI DOAN, a 55 years old woman who has contracted cerebral trouble since 2004. She has paralyzed on the left side and she cannot talk. She came to the ceremony with her husband who answered almost my questions about her. Ms Doan just could accept with a nod and sometimes she was near to tears when her husband talked about her health.
She lives in 8th group, Ngo May ward, Quy Nhon city, Binh Dinh province with her husband and two son. She was also taken to the orthopedic center to give electric shock treatment and do practices but she cannot be done regularly because her family is in a very difficult circumstance.
In the past time, she was a seamstress. But now she cannot do anything. Her husband earns living by driving a pedicab. He is a husband and a wife at the same time in their family.
Her husband said that he and his wife felt honor of receiving this nice wheelchair. He also said that from now he will keep his mind on his work more.

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