Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Specific Stories.......

This is the first of a series of specific stories from our trip to Cambodia and Vietnam. It is presented as interpreted by Tam, who is with our Vietnamese distribution partner, Giving it Back to Kids. I think you will find this first story quite touching - DOAN THI NHAT OANH


Anonymous said...

I am a Vietnamese myself, I feel very touched reading this story. I don't know who is Mr. Tom Mc Daniel, you must be a someone in California? Senator, Congressman etc...My comment about this matter is: I feel very frustrated that you and so many other VN going back to VN to help, financially, and physically the VN Population, something the Communist regime MUST DO (and if they don't do, the US, as an enforcer, or we used to tease by saying the American is their father, must force them to do, otherwise we will cut the relationship with them etc...)
Since so many of us VN as well as American from America pour so much money into VN, the communist regime does not give a damn to care about their own people anymore. I think the ones in the govertnment right now are trying to steal as much money as they can, and leave the burden to so many of us, oversea to take care of the issue that should be their issues.
Yes, we would do alot to help Vietnam if that Vietnam is not a communist regime. We will not try to help that regime to be stronger and stronger.
So I expect those congressmen and senator to force directly and indirectly the VN govertnment to take care of their own matter.
Will America have the guts to do? or America is only trying to deal business with them? and ignore all other important issues.
Why don't America trying to overthrown that govertnment? America has the money, and that money is the power to do anything in VN. I think that govertnment should be overthrown, then I can guarantee there will be no more people coming back from America to help those needy people anymore.
Let's overthrown that commnunist govertnment.

Robert Kalatschan said...

Having been to Vietnam over 25 times in the last 6 years and have spoken to many Vietnamese Americans. I have met many who share feelings like you.
I would like to address a few of your comments. First it is about people and not governments. Someone has to help those less fortunate than us. So often I hear people speak about Governments and how someday they would help but rarely seem to find a place they do actually help. Someone has to help where ever there is need.
Of course as in so many Governments, there is corruption in Vietnam and needs to be monitored and systems put into place to prevent that. Our organization Giving it Back to Kids has worked in Vietnam for over 6 years now. We have an office in Danang and yes there have been times where we felt there may be corruption, but we have just focused work in another area.
Most of our work is with children, If we do not help them, who will. I have 2 Vietnamese children and they have every chance and hope that the US can give them but what about the other kids there. They are too small to ignore, they cannot help themselves.
My question is do you just wait for the Government to change and let the children and less fortunate die without ever getting hope or does someone get out of themselves and risk to make a difference in one less fortunate than themselves? Do we just sit by and allow people to have to spend their lives crawling on the ground and depending on others to move or do we do something about it? I applaud the Mc’Daniel’s family for getting out of their comfortable homes and making a difference in so many lives.
On the question of Vietnam Govt. helping their own. We are presently in a matching grant program for heart surgeries for kids and Quang Nam Provincial Govt. has Agreed (and is giving) $70,000 US towards our program and Vina Capital from Vietnam has also given $100,000 U.S. to us for this work. We have had cooperation form the Govt. Is it one I agree with no, my family came from Russia after the war there to escape from a Communist Govt. but as I said it is not about Govt. but about people in Need.
In closing I firmly believe that as we go into a country like Vietnam and love the people, bring opportunity to the children, give them education, hope and empower them they can make the difference that you speak of in their country.
Robert Kalatschan President of Giving It Back To Kids. email;