Friday, March 28, 2008


After finishing the ceremony, an over 50 year old woman was trying to find someone from GIBTKs to say thank you for the wheelchair she got. When I came to listen to what she wanted to say to donors, I heard the word “thank you” all the time. She confided in tear “I am very happy to get a wheelchair for my husband today. He is happy, too. I really want to come here to see and touch it, but he can’t come because he has been in paralyzed situation for 15 years.” She hastily dried her tears and continued talking “I can’t keep my tear inside because my dream of getting a wheelchair for my husband becomes true. My husband got cardiovascular accident for 15 years, so he just stays in bed and can’t move. There were a few wheelchairs bought by my family in order to help me with taking care of him, but they already got broken. He really wants to go out to see the outside world with a wheelchair but I am just a poor farmer, so I can’t buy one more for him. Poor him!” She continues talking in an emotional voice: “My husband got up at 3 o’clock in the early morning to wake me up to prepare breakfast for him before going to receive this wheelchair and told me you shouldn’t forget to go there.” “My husband and I are so happy that we couldn’t sleep last night. We just hope time will pass fast so that we can get the wheelchair today. This is a big happiness to my family”. From the bottom of my heart, I highly appreciate her deep love to her husband.

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