Saturday, March 22, 2008

Final Thoughts...Tommy and Natalie

After 17 days the trip comes to a close, but my eyes will remain open to the beauty, love and devotion of the Cambodian and Vietnamese people. I am in awe of these people who's lives are a struggle everyday just to get by and live... Yet you won't hear any complaints, they just take it in stride and go on living whether disabled, poor, old, sick or all.

Cambodia and Vietnam are beautiful countries in all aspects... from the people and the land. I never thought of these countries as places I would want to come visit for a vacation. Both countries have been riddled in wars and constant battles, but they don't dwell on it.... They move forward. Vietnam has a beautiful countryside and actually the beaches are phenomenal as well. I recommend for all to come visit these destinations and appreciate the beauty as my family and I did. - Tommy

Wow! Its hard to believe that our great adventure is coming to an end. This has been one of the greatest experiences of my life. I have seen so many beautiful places and met such extraordinary individuals. I had the opportunity to visit places and see things that some can only dream about.I was able to experience both the Cambodian and Vietnamese culture in EVERY sense. This entire trip really was a reality check. Looking back on all that I saw and all the people that I talked to really makes me appreciate my life. It was truly amazing and heartwarming to attend all the wheelchair distributions. Every single person that received a wheelchair was so appreciative. The smallest things can put a smile on their faces, such as human touch. That was truly the most remarkable thing. Looking at all these people that are disabled or have loved ones that are, and are still so "high on life". This is something that we all need to think about everyday especially when we get caught up with all of our daily activities/routines back at home. Its so easy to forget and take things for granted. I am going to remember all that we saw, all the stories heard, and all the lives that we touched; but more importantly all the people and smiles that have forever touched and changed my life. -Natalie

1 comment:

Doug & Maile said...

Fantastic !!! Thank you all so much for letting us come along on your amazing journey. We sort of felt like we were apart of the trip, seeing all the great people and countryside. Even though we weren't actually there, our hearts were with you.
Can't wait for you're return to see the video and more pictures. Welcome home.
Doug & Maile